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Is this art a little too graphic for Outlander graphic novel? September 11, 2010

Posted by Diana McCabe in Fun stuff.
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Apparently some of the artwork in Diana Gabaldon’s graphic novel THE EXILE, which is a retelling of the OUTLANDER story, was a little too graphic for some of the editors. I’m not gonna post it  here but you can take a look at it by visiting Diana Gabaldon’s blog if you CLICK HERE. She explains it all. Suffice to say, the artwork is of Jamie and Claire’s wedding night. I plan to buy the graphic novel. Hope  I can download it onto my iPad.


1. Diana McCabe - September 11, 2010

I’m going to get this — not for the “neked” wedding night scene that the editors had covered up, but just because I think it might be fun.

2. maria rose - September 12, 2010

from what i have seen of the artwork it is beautiful as to the comment of being too graphic i believe there are worse out there in the anime graphic novels the problem is that too little supervision is given for adult style books why should we have the artwork changed leave it the original in

Diana McCabe - September 12, 2010

I’m still gonna get this when it comes out. I just thot it was kind of funny that the editors felt they had to “edit” it and it wasn’t even in the main story …. sounds like it was in a chapter she did on working with the artist. I haven’t been all that interested in previous graphic novels but I like the Outlander story so much that I want to get this for the different perspective.


p.s. any fave graphic novels anyone would recommend?

3. Dot S. - September 15, 2010

I have this preordered on Amazon. It always intriques me how sex, illustrated or written, is thought to need censorship and violence in all its gory forms is okay.

I am envious of you, Diana, getting to see Gabaldon at the signing. just like I was envious of your comic con visit.

Diana McCabe - September 15, 2010

I will take extra photos for you Dot! And if you want a signed copy, I’ll get one for you!!!!

I think it’s funny how folks wanna censor things. Gave me a giggle to see it …. I mean — it’s a graphic novel …. and we all have read the original book so know there is weird stuff in it!

Hey — haven’t forgotten your book pick! Will post soon!


p.s. So is fall kicking in out there? I miss fall. the leaves ….

Dot S. - September 15, 2010

You are a sweetie! But I will be happy with my Amazon THE EXILE..even if it is unsigned.

I have another pick written up for you and will send after HAUNTED is posted.

No Fall leaves yet. Here in the Hudson Valley it stays a bit warmer so we are not at Peak until around mid October. There is a coolness in the air that portends Fall. Fall is my favorite time of the year. I love the color, the way leaves crunch under your feet, crisp apples and fresh cider, making pots of soup, stew and chili on those cool nights.

4. chapmannews - September 16, 2010

Good grief – for a graphic novel that picture is romantic and actually rather tame! I’ve been plowing through the graphic novel collection donated by Chris Kim to the Chapman library, and boy, there are a few in there that popped my eyes out and some that made my hair stand on end (I’m talking about YOU, Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell’s “From Hell”!). Yup, right on the first floor where all the freshmen can see it. I’ll be looking for “The Exile” – maybe I’ll read it and then donate it to the library!

5. chapmannews - September 16, 2010

I must be logged in as Chapman News. It’s Mary, really.

Diana McCabe - September 16, 2010

I knew it was you! Diana Gabaldon will be in La Jolla on Sept. 29 at 7 p.m. so I’m gonna high-tail it out of the newsroom that day to get there!!!!


6. Book pick: ‘Haunted Honeymoon’ hip, urban fantasy humor at its best « Paranormal Romance - September 19, 2010

[…] Is this art a little too graphic for Outlander graphic novel? […]

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