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What’s your favorite ‘movie’ video of Diana Gabaldon’s ‘Outlander’? November 30, 2009

Posted by Diana McCabe in Entertainment.
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Everyone keeps asking when Diana Gabaldon’s OUTLANDER will come to the big screen. I’ll repeat a post I did a few months ago: So far there is no word on a movie because of the economy. Options have been renewed but that’s it. (Read my original post HERE. At the bottom of the post is some info I quoted from Diana’s blog.) Still, a few folks have asked about the YouTube videos they are seeing that look like movie trailers. They aren’t! Fans have put together several different ones that show who they think should be cast if there ever is a movie. So here’s a clip to get things rolling. Just search for “Outlander” on YouTube and you’ll see all of the various videos. Which one do you like best? This one has Olivia Williams  playing Claire and Gerard Butler playing Jamie.

What’s up with Diana Gabaldon’s ‘Outlander’ movie? September 15, 2009

Posted by Diana McCabe in Entertainment, News.
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UPDATED Jan. 5, 2010:

I emailed Diana Gabaldon today and her assistant — Janice — once again sent back a speedy reply to the question “Is there anything new on the movie front?” Here’s what she said:

The only “new” news is that production company has renewed the option and asked to include the possibility of a mini-series type production.  If  we ever hear more, I’m sure it will be announced.  Thanks for writing.


Last we’d heard — back in October/November 2008 — the movie rights for the popular novel had been picked up by Essential outlander3Pictures, and the screenplay would be written by Randall Wallace, who also wrote the screenplays for BRAVEHEART and PEARL HARBOR.

A visitor to this blog asked if we’d heard anything new since then. I hadn’t so I emailed OUTLANDER author Diana Gabaldon, and one of her assistants sent this reply:

“The recession has affected this much as it has affected many other things.  The option has been renewed but other than that we have no news.”

I’d keep watching her Web site for updates. Last year, Diana wrote what she knew about the movie on her site. Here’s a little bit of what she said on November  2008 (To read the whole post, which is interesting because she gives her opinion about possible actors who could play Jamie and Claire — even though she makes it clear she has no say in the casting — CLICK HERE .) Until then — we have her great books! Her latest in the saga of Jamie and Claire — AN ECHO IN THE BONE — comes out Sept. 22!!!!

***Excerpt from her November 2008 post below***

I’ve been getting a number of enquiries, since press releases have started appearing about the movie production of Outlander—excited folk asking “Is it true?” “When?” and (I hope you’ll pardon a brief roll of the eyes here), “Who would you cast?” (I couldn’t begin to guess how many thousands of times I’ve been asked that over the last twenty years.)

It’s very early days as yet, but I’ll answer what I can.

Yes, Essential Productions —is developing Outlander as a “major motion picture.” (What that means is that they want to make a two-to-two-and-a-half hour feature film.)

And yes, Randall Wallace (the talented gentleman who wrote both Braveheart and Pearl Harbor—hey, ancient Scots and—WWII, how about that?) is writing the script.

No, I have absolutely nothing to say about the casting of the movie. The production people do occasionally ask me what I think of this or that person, but this is simple politeness on their part.

No, I have no control whatever regarding the script.

No, I really don’t want to have anything personal to do with the development of the movie.