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Outlander’s Diana Gabaldon on movie, graphic novel with sketches of Jamie/Claire February 17, 2010

Posted by Diana McCabe in News.
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Diana Gabaldon/Scotsman.com

Some odds & ends from OUTLANDER author Diana Gabaldon:

Movie news: Direct from Diana on her Web site ….  “There really isn’t any to speak of, but I know by this time that the fact that I don’t say anything isn’t sufficient to convince y’all that nothing’s going on. The option held by Essential Entertainment has expired, but they want to renew it, and we want to let them. So once that’s done, if anything’s changed or develops further, I’ll tell you, OK?”

Graphic novel: THE EXILE: AN OUTLANDER GRAPHIC NOVEL, which is loosely based on OUTLANDER, will be released Sept. 28. Diana says there’s a new storyline in this novel because the story is told from Murtagh’s point of view. But she says  readers of the original will recognize many of the major events in the graphic novel. Diana wrote the script and the artwork is by Hoang Nguyen. Now — we all wanna know what Claire and Jamie look like! If you go to Diana’s site and click under “excerpts” at the top of the page and then go to the left-hand side of the page —  you’ll see she’s listed the graphic novel. Click on that and ou see links to some of the sketches. She’s got an early sketch of Jamie and one of Claire. So check it out! (CLICK HERE to get to her site. Follow the link that pops up.)

Book 8: She’s working on it and hopes to have an excerpt up on her Web site soon. She doesn’t have a publication date for Book 8. She also had this to say: “BTW, I don’t know where this silliness gets started, but evidently there’s some nitwit rumor going around to the effect that Echo is the last book of the series. Don’t be ridiculous; why on earth would I end it that way if it was? Have a little sense, now, people, would you? (No, I don’t know whether Book Eight is the last one, either. If it turns out that it is, I’ll mention it, though.  On the cover. In big red-foil letters.)”

CLICK HERE to read Claire Black’s recent interview with Diana Gabaldon in the Scotsman.com.