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Diana Gabaldon on ‘The Exile’ & who she’d cast as Jamie! October 3, 2010

Posted by Diana McCabe in Authors, News.
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Seems like most fans of Diana Gabaldon’s OUTLANDER do not like her graphic novel version of the tale of Jamie and Claire. THE EXILE doesn’t fit their vision of the characters and some who have commented on this blog just hate it. But in a book signing last week in San Diego, Gabaldon explained that the graphic novel wasn’t necessarily aimed at fans of the novels. It might appeal to other segments of readers who are more into graphic novels and who haven’t read the original series, she said.

As for the depiction of the characters in cartoon form? Graphic novels are comic books, Gabaldon said. “It’s an approximation of Jamie and Claire,” she said. Like any comic book character, it’s going to be exaggerated. (I bought a copy and for a comic book treatment — it’s OK. Not really my cup of tea, but when you see that she’s trying to reach another audience besides her loyal readers, it makes sense.)

From Allan Scott-Douglas website

Allan Scott-Douglas

Speaking of how these characters should look …. Gabaldon said if she could cast the role of Jamie for a movie, she’d pick Allan Scott-Douglas, an actor from Edinburgh who is 6 feet 4 inches tall, has red hair, who can act and at age 27, “probably remembers what it’s like to be a virgin,” Gabaldon said. The actor played Jamie in the musical production of OUTLANDER in Scotland a few months back. CLICK HERE to check out that site for more information on the music. (And you can follow Allan Scott-Douglas on Twitter @Actor_Allan.)

And what about the movie? Gabaldon said she recently had lunch in San Francisco with the producer who has the film rights. The option has been renewed again but for a mini-series. She says she would not write the script for a number of reasons, including she’s way too busy writing books.

She’s working on book No. 8 in the OUTLANDER series, and that might be out next year. She hopes to release LORD JOHN AND THE SCOTTISH PRISONER next fall.

When will she end the OUTLANDER series? She’s not sure. Maybe in book No. 8 or if there’s a book No. 9. It’s unclear. However, she did say when she does end the series, readers will understand why Frank Randall saw the ghost (Jamie)  in the first novel. And that ghost dealie has a lot of us still speculating and scratching  our heads!

Diana Gabaldon in San Diego.

Read more about what the author is doing at her website HERE.
She also has a blog she updates a lot HERE.
And you can follow her on Twitter @writer_DG

(If you’ve never heard Gabaldon speak in person, you’re in for a treat. She’s funny, bawdy, and patiently and kindly talks with her readers. Plus, find out why she thinks a man in a kilt is so sexy! So check out her speaker schedule on her website.)