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Diana Gabaldon’s ‘Outlander’ headed for cable TV series! July 17, 2012

Posted by Diana McCabe in News.
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It’s true. We’re gonna get a cable TV series for OUTLANDER! Let the casting calls begin. OK — it’s a little too early for that but here’s what Diana Gabaldon posted on her Facebook page today:

Yes! It _is_ true; while final contracts aren’t yet signed, we do have a deal with Sony Pictures for development of a cable-TV (as in HBO, Netflix, Starz, Showtime, whatever…that kind of thing) series.

Want more deets? Deadline Hollywood reports that Ron Moore   — developer/executive producer of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA will write the series adaptation. Sony Pictures TV bought the rights. The project, according to Deadline Hollywood, will be taken to cable networks this week. The complete story from Deadline Hollywood is HERE.

Here’s what Ron Moore (@RonDMoore) and Diana Gabaldon (@Writer_DG ) are saying on their Twitter feeds about the deal: