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What do we hear from Jamie Fraser in Diana Gabaldon’s next book? November 6, 2011

Posted by Diana McCabe in Authors, News.
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Probably not a HUGE surprise why I’m posting this but here’s the latest from Diana Gabaldon and her next release — THE SCOTTISH PRISONER, due out Nov. 29. I might get it because she’s been working on it for so long and it sounds interesting. Plus, it includes a preview from the next OUTLANDER novel. (Not this excerpt — the book!) This is from her blog.

Well, alrighty, then! Do you want to know whether THE SCOTTISH PRISONER starts with Jamie or John? Random House has posted the beginning of the book as an excerpt on Scribd. Click the link below to see which way the editors (and I) decided to begin the book–and I hope you enjoy it!



1. Diana McCabe - November 6, 2011

I probably will get this just to see how the story unfolds — and I want that sneak peak of the next Outlander book! Wonder if there is any time travel in “The Scottish Prisoner”? Anyone else going to get this?

2. maria rose - November 6, 2011

look forward to this book (have it on pre-order at Poison Pen) nice to know there is another Outlander book in the works. This book should have some good events occurring between Lord John and Jamie Fraiser

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