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Paranormal Romance: Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander Tour July 13, 2009

Posted by Diana McCabe in News.

OK — fess up. How many of you have traveled to Scotland after reading Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series? Last year my little sis and I dragged our spouses across The Pond to — well — sort of look for traces of Jamie Fraser, the handsome IMG_055718th-century gentleman/ warrior, or anyone who might have looked like him. (I secretly hoped for some cool time-traveling experience, but — alas — I was meant to stay in this time period.)

However, I am not alone.  Mary Platt, spokeswoman at Chapman University, brought this nifty little article in Scottish Life magazine to my attention. (Thanks Mary!) The Outlander Tour by Penny Carnathan. You can read an excerpt by CLICKING HERE. The article retraces some steps in the book and discusses how Gabaldon researched her work and in other outlandercases she wrote something and later found out it was historically true! In this article the magazine writer visits the real-life MacKenzie’s Castle Leod;  Clava Carirns, one of the three ancient stone circles here is very similar to the one Clare was exploring before she was whisked back to 1743. And Carnathan even “sees” Charles MacKenzie Fraser — the real-life laird of Castle Fraser. “His was the only truly ‘handsome’ portrait I saw in all our travels in Scotland,” she writes.

Gabaldon says her  seventh book in the series,  AN ECHO IN THE BONE, should publish in the fall. (Amazon says Sept. 22)echo

Now what about that movie? The latest thing I could find was that it was still on, but it’s an old posting from Diana. CLICK HERE to read it. But if it really is made into a movie — watch out? (But who are they gonna cast as Jamie?)

Coming soon: Interviews with Christine Feehan and Charlaine Harris. (Questions? Add to comments!)

Also: For folks in Orange County, book signing by Alyson Noel, who just released book No. 2 in her Immortal Series — BLUE MOON. She’ll be at the Barnes and Noble in Orange at 6 p.m. on July 17 — a Friday.


JENNIFER LYON: ‘Blood Magic author talks about her hero and Hugh Jackman’ and CLICK HERE for her writing tips.

SHANA ABE: ‘Author of Dragon series on next book and its renegade lovers’ and CLICK HERE for her writing tips.

LINDA O JOHNSTON: ‘Her Alpha wolves practice safe sex’ and CLICK HERE for her writing tips.

SUSAN SQUIRES: ‘Author of vampire series on strong women, kinky things, time travel’ and CLICK HERE for her writing tips.

ALYSON NOEL: ‘Evermore author on teen angst, immortality and her next book’ and CLICK HERE for her writing tips. See what she says about social media networking HERE.


1. Christine - September 14, 2009

So has there been anymore news on the movie? I’ve been searching and haven’t been able to find any new information about where they are on making the Outlander movie.


2. Diana McCabe - September 14, 2009

Hi Christine — No — beyond the link you’ve provided, that’s all I’ve seen lately. I haven’t seen Diana G. mention anything on her Web site about it lately either. So right now — that info from late 2008 is all we have. I can always email her and ask. Will post here if she says anything!!

3. Video: Diana Gabaldon on how she started Outlander series, when will it end? « Paranormal Romance - January 10, 2010

[…] ‘Outlander’? What’s up with Diana Gabaldon’s ‘Outlander’ movie? Paranormal Romance: Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander Tour Possibly related posts: (automatically generated): Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander […]

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